Crest White Strips Review

It was hard for me to not open this post with a tooth based pun, but I am resisting. A few weeks ago I decided to try the Crest White Strips that seem to be hailed as the best of the best when it comes to at home whitening. Now, I'd never tried a proper whitening kit before, just the usual whitening toothpaste, and as you can see from the first picture my teeth were pretty horrible and yellow. The strips promise you'll see changes by day 3 and the recommended course is 20 days long. I decided just to do 10 days as it was pretty expensive to buy enough strips for 20 days, especially since I didn't know whether they would make a difference.

The strips come in a little foil packet like that above and inside there are two - the longer strip for your top teeth and the shorter one for your bottom teeth (though don't quote me on that, I might be wrong!). The process is simple, just secure the strips to your teeth with the adhesive side and leave for 30 minutes to work their magic. They take a little getting used to and you might drool a bit (glam, huh?) but I found that just forming a bit of a suction and keeping my mouth slightly open helped with that. Then you can just continue with normal daily activities, I usually took the time to do some cleaning. Just try not to touch the strips with your tongue. It won't burn but it's not the nicest taste or texture in the world.

One thing that was great was I noticed no sensitivity beyond very minor toothache on one day, and even that felt more like I'd just breathed in on a cold day than anything very severe.

Now onto results, you can see that even by the third day my teeth were noticeably whiter and by the sixth they were very pearly. This is especially clear if you focus on my upper left canine which was previously very yellow but the strips quickly changed that.

It suggests doing the course once a year which means they are super low maintenance as well. It has been about a month since I finished doing them and my teeth are still nice and white.

Overall I would absolutely suggest trying these out if you haven't already and are looking to get nice, white teeth.

K a t y x

Note: if you're from the UK you'll have to buy these from eBay but if you do a quick search it brings up hundreds of results that are all highly rated and the same price.


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